Received an email or letter from CP500 recently? ✉️
最近收到了一封 CP500 的电子邮件或信函?✉️
The email or letter will be like this:

What Is CP500 ?
- The CP500 form is a tax installment plan used by LHDN to predict the repayment amount based on the total tax amount of the self-employed/business income earner in the previous year.
- The income tax paid in installments this year can be used to deduct the amount that really needs to be paid next year.
- If you overpay, LHDN will refund the amount.
- CP500 表格是税务局根据自雇人士/有生意收入者上一年税务总额,来预测还款数额的税收分期付款计划
- 今年给的分期预付所得税,明年可以拿来扣掉真正需要缴付的数额
- 如果多付了税务局会Refund
When is the installment deadline ? 分期截止日期是何时?
Deadline based on the date mentioned in Letter.
How much do you need to pay each month? 每个月要给多少?
Payment based on the amount mentioned in Letter.

How to make payment? 如何付款?
Using the Bill Number or Tin Number in the reference letter.
Go to Mytax official website to pay https://byrhasil.hasil.gov.my/HITS_EP/
参考信里的 Bill Number 或 Tin Number
到Mytax官网付款 https://byrhasil.hasil.gov.my/HITS_EP/

Can I check whether if I need to pay ? 可以查看我需不需要付款吗?
Yes, you can Log in to your My Tax account and check Paparan Bill
可以,我们可以到 My Tax 登陆账号后检查Paparan Bill

If I did not pay/forgot to pay, what will happen? 不付款/忘记付款会怎么样呢?
LHDN will charge an additional 10% fine for the total CP 500 outstanding amount